Why IXP Peak Traffic Growth Represents a Stronger Internet for Businesses

While most major cities have a peering exchange point (140 IXPs in north America alone), each one can be very different. The ability of an IXP to reroute and direct traffic between networks via peering is what makes the internet a viable and low-cost data transfer mesh. IXPs are the foundation supporting most traffic where countless networks connect for traffic exchange. That’s one reason growing peak traffic is a sign of the success of all IXPs and also an individual marker of success and effectiveness as an attractive hub for countless networks. Peak traffic is most often associated with specific times of the day and annual events or times of the year. But we understand that random black swan events can also spur peak traffic such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Continue Reading for more details. Contact Details : Telehouse America 7 Teleport Drive, Staten Island, New York 10311 Business Email : cac@telehouse.com Business Phone Number :718-355-2500